musk ox farm
Palmer, AlasKa
Ways to SUPPORT THE herd
The Musk Ox Development Corporation is a 501(c)(3) nonprofit organization. There are many ways you can be a part of the work that we do here at the Musk Ox Farm.
Donations provide a critical link to the financial needs of our nonprofit organization. Gentle husbandry methods require animal contact and handling far beyond mainstream farming. It also ensures that our musk oxen live the happiest, healthiest lives possible! There are also 75 acres of pastureland and buildings to maintain.
Visitors taking GUIDED TOURS and folks purchasing items from our GIFT SHOP provide a large percentage of our income. Every purchase helps the herd!
Our Friends of the Musk Ox (FOMO) program is for those interested in membership benefits and having a special "adopted" musk ox friend.
You can choose one-time, monthly, or annual donation options for either your FOMO membership or general donations! Read more below.
Want to support the herd but don't want or need all the OXtras that go with membership? Consider making a GENERAL DONATION.
Whatever way you choose to support us, THANK YOU from the bottom of our hearts and hooves!

Join or renew your
FOMO membership
Friends of the Musk Ox (FOMO) is a group of people of all ages who care about musk oxen and the work of the Musk Ox Farm. Each member symbolically adopts their very own musk ox!
During your one-year membership you will receive unique program benefits, including our FOMO members-only newsletters, photos, and updates about your furry friend.​
Click the "Meet the Herd" button below to see the photos of our adoptable musk oxen. After you have found your fuzzy friend, click on the "Adopt Me" button to join OR renew your membership.
(Renewing members, you can also use the direct link for your musk ox from your renewal notice card.)

Musk ox farm shop
Part of the original mission of the Musk Ox Development Corporation is the production of qiviut. This incredibly soft, lightweight, and warm natural fiber makes the world's most luxurious and rare yarn and OXtremely warm garments.
All the yarn and garments we carry in our Musk Ox Farm Shop are made from the gently hand-combed qiviut of the herd living here at the farm! We are one of two organizations in the world that produce qiviut in this gentle manner.
Your purchase of yarn, garments, raw fiber, and other carefully curated musk ox themed items from our shop directly supports our farm and the herd.
Visit us
We offer a variety of programs and events offered year-round for folks of all ages and interests.
Learn all about our musk oxen and meet the herd in person on an educational GUIDED TOUR.
Can't visit in person? Consider a VIRTUAL TOUR.
We offer Music with Musk Ox concerts, fiber arts workshops, kid's story times, special "behind the scenes" enrichment events, FUNdraisers and more! Check out all of our EVENTS.